
Flag Day 2011

On Tuesday, the Rozelleville Rockets 4-H put on a play at the VFW for flag day. The kids all read a story about the flag. They did very well. We had seven people pull out at the last minute so Kellen and Ethan were one of the few that were brought in to help. The members of the VFW loved having the kids there. We were served hot dogs, chips, soda, and ice cream. It was a lunch fit for kings, or kids. We also go to meet a gentleman who was in Navy during a war. He told the kids what it was like on the ship and what he would have done differently if he had it to do again. He would have stayed in the reserves after his four year tour. He also showed the kids his uniform. He also brought his seventeen button pants. The kids liked hearing it and asking questions.Kellen getting ready to read
Ethan reading
The Rozelleville Rockets
Logan and Ethan in their Grey and Blue jackets to show which side they fought for
Kellen reading
Ethan and Logan fighting

It was great to do this and to be apart of this club that does such wonderful things for the communities that we serve. I could not have selected a better group of people to be with me and my boys.

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