
Ethan's Christmas Program

On Friday we went to Ethan's Preschool Christmas Program. When we got there one of his teachers told him that he should sing extra loud so that we could all hear him. He did that. Actually he yelled all the songs. He was the loudest one there. I was laughing so hard because it was so freaking cute. After they sang songs Santa came! He had gifts for all the kids! Kellen was especially excited because as he put it "It was the REAL Santa!" Ethan in his hat getting ready to sing

Ethan shouting the songs


Kellen's Christmas Program

Kellen's school had their Christmas program on December 13. I always laugh so hard at some of the things the kids do. Even my own son would not stop talking to all the kids around him. This year Kellen had a speaking part! He did great!

Jared and I both agreed that we are not meant to see the whole program. Last year Kellen got sick so we had to leave. This year Ethan fell and hit his mouth on a chair. He split a tooth in half. So Jared had to leave and take him to the ER. He is fine now. The dentist glued it together and filed it down. They said that he was too young to just pull it.

Hopefully next year will go better than the last two years. Here is Kellen talking to the girl next to him. He was the only kid who wore the Santa hat. He played with it the whole time.

Kellen actually singing!