
Let Them Be Little

This is something that I am trying out. This song is one of my new favorites! I hope you enjoy it!


R.I.P. Bottle Bass

It was a sad day when we realized that we had left Bottle Bass on the pole at the campsite back in May. We are now looking to replace him with something cool. It will never compare to Bottle Bass. So let's just hope that the next family that has him loves him as much as we did. And now a moment of silence..................Okay that is enough. Have a GREAT day!

Island Camping

On Saturday we went camping on an island in the Wisconsin river. We went with Aunt Sherry, Uncle Jerry, Ricky, Cassidy, Trevor, Bill, Lisa, Bella, and Lulu. We had two super nice days out on the island. Jared and I tried the kayak and loved it. We had a fire at night and had a blast. Lisa was the only smart one who went back to the house to sleep. The sand is not very soft to sleep on. Ethan in the river
Kellen floating
Ricky and Bill wetting the sand down so we would not burn our feet while playing volley ball
Cassidy in her pretty pink life jacket
The four little ones in the water
Cassidy's life jacket kept riding up on her. I guess she needed a butt strap.
Lulu the heavy drinker
Uncle Jerry "helping" set up the volleyball net
The man folk setting up the net
The kids in all their glowing glory
This is the best fire I have ever seen
Bill and Jared putting the HUGE log that Kellen and Trevor brought from the other side of the island. Kellen held the flashlight and Trevor rolled the log
In the river. Bella had a game where she would lay in the water and the kids would climb all over her. This was a favorite game of my boys. This is all they have talked about
Trevor trying to get Abby away from the dead turtle that she found. Abby thought that was the best thing that she had ever found. She rolled in it and everything. She was one smelly puppy until she got a bath.
Abby after her bath
Lulu and Abby

The video above is of the best fire ever! I wonder who made it?

We had so much fun! My boys are already talking about doing it again.


Wisconsin State Fair 2008

Last weekend we took the boys the the Wisconsin State Fair! There was so much to do and see there that I am sure that we missed a ton of stuff. We did see the important things........the pigs. Kellen is going to be raising and showing a pig next summer with his Great Grandma and Great Grandpa and also with the help of Grandma Schumacher. So we had to look at every pig there.
This is a sign in the chicken barn! The boys are into Star Wars so they loved this!
A chicken that the boys both loved!
Toyota had a booth at the fair where you could see how going green and also buying a hybrid vehicle makes a difference on the environment. The boys got shaker flash lights as a prize!
Ethan sitting on a Harley! We did not win it..........You have to buy tickets to win...........Who knew?
Kellen on the Harley
An albino snake we saw
Green Tree Snake
We took a ride on the Sky View. We got to see the Fair Grounds from above. Ethan had a good time finding the things that people threw off on the roofs.....flip flops, hats, water bottles, etc. Kellen, however, wanted to jump down onto the roofs of the buildings.

Jared and Kellen on the Sky View

Cow Kellen and Cow Ethan! Moooooooooooooooooooo!
Kitty Ethan says "Meow!"
Kitty Kellen says "Can I have some tuna?"
Woof, Woof, Woof
Ethan said that he was a potty trained doggie!


Happy Birthday!

Last Sunday April's family celebrated the kid's birthdays. We went out on the Wisconsin River and young and old alike had a blast! Cassidy searching for shells at "Shell Beach" Aunt Sherry had tons of games for the kids to play and she even had prizes!
Lulu looking for shells
Ethan bagging up his shells
Ethan laying his shells out so he could count them
Kellen counting his shells
Kellen digging for shells with his foot
The kids looking for shells
The bucket race! This was a favorite
Kellen being strange
Trevor catching a water balloon
Aunt Sherry in hot pursuit of Kellen after he got her with a water balloon
All the kids finding partners to throw water balloons to
More of the bucket race Kellen is above and Ethan is below

Ethan filling his bucket
Trevor running so that he does not lose a lot of water
Cassidy filling the bucket
Trevor throwing a shell at the bulls eye
Cassidy doing the shell toss
Bella doing the bucket race
Lulu filling her bucket Kellen and Trevor trying to pop the other's balloon
A plane! A plane!
Kellen doing the shell toss
Ethan doing the shell toss
Lulu doing the shell toss