
Tiny Triumphs 3!

Oops! Tiny Triumphs being on time lasted a whole two weeks! That must be some kind of record! We have been busy with real life. The bitter cold, cars not starting, swimming lessons, and more! Most of the stuff that has kept us busy has been fun!

1. Rocket is on his way to Florida with Aunt Sherry and Uncle Jerry! Rocket is a bear that Ethan got in class. People who have Rocket send some postcards so Ethan's class can learn some Geography. They also take some pictures of Rocket and the kids get to share those at the end of the year.

2. The boys are loving their Saturday morning class! It is on healthy eating habits and keeping active. The boys have played Dodge Ball and soccer so far.

3. Kellen's band concert went well! We were really impressed at how well all the kids did!

Have a good week and keep warm! That is what we will be doing.

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