
Dick's Last Resort

 We went out to dinner at the Mall of America when we were on vacation.  Each of the boys picked out a restaurant to eat at.  Ethan's pick was Dick's Last Resort.  Their claim to fame is service with sarcasm.  When the waitress came to the table and threw our napkins at us.  The boys loved it.  They also made hats for all the diners.  Ethan was in heaven

The waiters put a bib on everyone that came in.  Here is Ethan in his

Making a beard with his bib

The Teen In Training in his bib

Jared in his bib

Where is Ethan?

Jared ordered a beer with a boobsie. 

Front of the boobsie

Jared drinking his beer

Kellen got the first had.  I think that he was embarrassed.  He played along though.

My hat.  It was a little hard to eat in

Ethan in his hat

Jared in his braids

Our waitress picking on Kellen

Poor Kellen

The boys after they ate

 I have to break up the posts as blogger is giving me issues.  Each part is going to have it's own posts.  I am slowly working on it.  We had a wonderful time in the Mall of America and plan to go again.  There was so much to do and see!  I would also like to say I am sorry that I have been slacking on the blog.  I am working on that as well.

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