
Happy Birthday!

Last Sunday April's family celebrated the kid's birthdays. We went out on the Wisconsin River and young and old alike had a blast! Cassidy searching for shells at "Shell Beach" Aunt Sherry had tons of games for the kids to play and she even had prizes!
Lulu looking for shells
Ethan bagging up his shells
Ethan laying his shells out so he could count them
Kellen counting his shells
Kellen digging for shells with his foot
The kids looking for shells
The bucket race! This was a favorite
Kellen being strange
Trevor catching a water balloon
Aunt Sherry in hot pursuit of Kellen after he got her with a water balloon
All the kids finding partners to throw water balloons to
More of the bucket race Kellen is above and Ethan is below

Ethan filling his bucket
Trevor running so that he does not lose a lot of water
Cassidy filling the bucket
Trevor throwing a shell at the bulls eye
Cassidy doing the shell toss
Bella doing the bucket race
Lulu filling her bucket Kellen and Trevor trying to pop the other's balloon
A plane! A plane!
Kellen doing the shell toss
Ethan doing the shell toss
Lulu doing the shell toss

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