
Today Kellen became a Wolf Cub!

Today Kellen and Nick moved from Tiger Cub to Wolf Cub. Now they are officially Cub Scouts! The boys were awarded new badges at the Blue and Gold Banquet. Other boys graduated up to other levels. Two boys were taken into the Boy Scouts and the Weeblos I group is now the oldest in the troop.This is Kellen and Nick getting their new badges. I was not very good with the camera today. They were quick and I was not as fast with the camera as I would like to be.
Kellen proudly showing off his new badge.
This is a picture of Nick the other boy in Kellen's Den. We have a small troop and an even smaller Den. We hope it gets a bit bigger next year.

We are very proud of Kellen, today and everyday! He has done a great job in scouts this year and we hope that it keeps going.

It looks like April will be Den mother next year. She is really looking forward to it. There will be updates when we find out if she is going to do it or not.

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