
Tiny Triumphs 39!

It has been a wonderful week here! Things have been happening! Now, I will share what has been happening here!

1. I was accepted to UW Wood County/ Marshfield! I start on January 25th! I am going to do just the basic stuff until I decide what I want to be when I grow up. YAY! I got in!!!

2. The boys decided to stay home instead of trick or treating. Ethan sat outside and handed out candy. He made the kids say Trick or Treat and Thank You. It was kind of cute! Kellen spent the night watching movies! He loved it! I love that they choose to stay home because then we do not have candy just laying around. Maybe it was the ten bucks that I bribed them with that made that decision ;)

3. As I posted I have five orange bins full of Halloween stuff! I am so in love with them! It is the little things in life that make me happy!

4. The boys helped us rake the leaves in the back yard. They also helped us bag the leaves. They were such a HUGE help that we got it all done in half the time as we would have if just Jared and I did it! Thanks Guys!

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