It is Thursday again, this day seems to sneak up on me every week. We had such a great week last week! I want more like that. I would not say no to some nicer weather, we bought a pool pass and have not been able to use it because it has been crappy since. So I am crossing my fingers that it will get nice next week!
1. The boys each did a sewing project. Kellen made fleece pants and Ethan made shorts out of flannel. They both love their creations. They will show them for 4-H tonight in the clothing review. I will post pictures soon.
2. I taught my first cake decorating class to some 4-H kids. There were eight kids all together. The kids had so much fun and so did I. We are going to have to plan another meeting because I did not get them through as much as I would have liked. There are plans to come over and use my decorating stuff before fair. I am willing to share as I have any tip you could want, and most likely three or four of each of the ones that are popular.
3. Jared and I took down a tree over the weekend. It was a BIG one. We only used a hand saw and rope to do it. Probably not the smartest thing we have ever done but now it is done! Everyone lived to tell the tale.
4. Ethan is all done wearing his brace! He says that he feels so free now! He also said that he feels weak in his arm. He is getting stronger everyday. I still see him using his left hand more than the dominant arm that he broke.
Have a great week!
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