
Crayola Look Out!

Last night we made some homemade crayons. The boys had fun working on peeling the paper off of the crayons. They had even more fun breaking them up so that they would fit in the mini muffin tins. We added glitter to this batch. We wanted to see if when we colored it would glitter on the paper. It does not work but the crayons look pretty! The boys with each of their pans of crayons
Kellen's crayons. Bumpa, check out the Packer crayon!
Ethan keeping his eye on the crayons while they were melting.
Ethan's crayons in the oven.
I forgot to take a picture of the finished crayons but take my word for it my boys will soon be putting Crayola out of business!

1 comment:

Glennis said...

What a fun thing for the children to do, I have never made crayons. Looks as if they would be all multi coloured and interesting.A great project for the boys.