Yes, I know that the Triumphs are late again. I am enjoying life and having a good time with the boys.
1. We shot off the boys rockets. We had to test them before Kellen enters his in the fair. Well, three rockets came in and only one came out. Jared's is the only rocket that we could find. Kellen's and Ethan's went up so high that we lost them. So Kellen and Ethan are hurrying to make another one before the fair. And being the bad mom that I am I did not get any pictures of what the rockets even looked like before they were lost. So I will with the new ones.
2. The stuff for the fair is almost done. We just have a few things left to get done.
3. The boys are ready for school. Well, the supplies are ready. I don't think that they want to go back yet. They both have new to the school teachers so we don't know either of them. I hope they are good with the boys.
4. Jared starts school next week! I am so proud of him!
Have a great week!
We are a busy family of 3. April is a nursing student with 3 semesters remaining before receiving her RN. Kellen will be a junior in high school. He still plays his French Horn and has added a few other instruments. He now also plays the trumpet,trombone, and the mellophone. Ethan will be starting the 8th grade in the fall. Ethan still plays his guitar and is still in lessons.
Alphabet Walk!
Today, I took the boys on an Alphabet Walk. The point was to see if we could find all 26 letters in our town. We took a camera with us and started the search. Some letters were found in nature and some were man made. The boys had fun using the camera and looking for letters. I am thinking that next time it will be numbers from 1-100!
Sing with me!
A (I know they are side ways. Blogger sometimes does not let me change the picture)
K (It looks more like a K if you turn your head to the side) (It was another one that blogger did not let me change)
Z (Yes, there is a Z in the shadows!)
Sing with me!
Tiny Triumphs 29!
I know, it has been a week or so since I have done a Tiny Triumph. Real life got in the way. We have been loving the weather and spending a lot of time outside. The garden is growing and giving me tomatoes now. So if you want some let me know!
1. The boys and I are getting some things ready for the fair. We have a few weeks and then it will be time!
2. The boys have been cooking! They seem to like it
3. The boys have been staying home alone for short periods of time. Only if they are both home! They are also able to ride their bikes further and actually go some places.
Have a super week!
1. The boys and I are getting some things ready for the fair. We have a few weeks and then it will be time!
2. The boys have been cooking! They seem to like it
3. The boys have been staying home alone for short periods of time. Only if they are both home! They are also able to ride their bikes further and actually go some places.
Have a super week!
Today, Ethan and I made some cookies! Ethan did most of the work. He really is growing up on me. I am not sure if I like it or not.
Ethan measuring the brown sugar
Got to mix! Aunt Sherry, that bottle of vanilla is the one that you gave me a year or so ago and it is now almost gone! (Hint, when you go south of the border again I need more)
Cracking an egg. He did not get any shells in the bowl! Check out his face!
What the cookies look like before we put them in the oven! Yes, those are Double Stuff Oreo's on the bottom
What they look like after they bake
Ethan, the master of the Ov'Glove!
Inside of the cookie!
Ethan eating the first cookie!
He says they are the best cookies in the whole world! So, maybe if you are lucky, he will make some for you.
He says they are the best cookies in the whole world! So, maybe if you are lucky, he will make some for you.
I have created a new blog that will follow the crazy Blooreguard Q. Kazoo! He is sexy, blue, and a great friend. So come on over to his blog at Come on in and stay and get to know Bloo and see some of his shenanigans! By the way it is something that the boys and I will be working on together!
Bloo chill-axing
Cookin' Kellen
Today, Kellen tried his hand at cooking! I realized that he does not know how to cook on the stove. So now we are fixing that. Tonight, it was pancakes! He was really good at flipping and he made enough to feed us all! They were fantastic. I think because I did not have to cook them!
Kellen with his spatula
He even made his own version of a pig in a blanket
Putting the batter in the pan
New Ink!
Helping Mom!
I Have A Lot To Do!
As of today I have finished the Pickles, Soup, Dilly Beans, Carrots and the Banana Chips. Tomorrow is Zucchini Bread and Muffins!
Ray, I am putting some away just for you!
By the way I did not grow this. I support the local farmers!
I started some strawberries this year in my "green house". They grew so slowly that I was not sure they would live. Well, they are getting huge and they are even giving me some flowers. Maybe even some fruit. I am just amazed that they are producing this year. I am waiting for the big harvest next year.
One of the flowers
Teeny tiny berry
I grow them in an old wheelbarrow with some holes drilled in the bottom of it. That way I can move them to the sun! Again, I am amazed that it is working! I just have to say that I amaze myself!
Hay You!
On Saturday afternoon we went up to Grandma Schumacher's house to help with hay. Well, I supervised but even the boys helped. The boys helped salt the bales. Salting the bales helps to dry them out so there is no possibilities of a fire in the barn. They loved being up on the top of all that hay. It is too bad that it poured before the field was done. But they got 8 wagons full and into the barn!
That is Aaron and Jared on the wagon. They stacked all the bales on the wagon as the baler made them.
Kellen all ready to hay! He looks so big! I can't believe that he is 12!
Some baby deer that were in the road. I know they are called fawns but I like to call any small animal a baby.
Ethan found this woolly caterpillar. He was a fast mover! I was just happy that Ethan let it go and did not squish it. That is what he usually does.
Garden Fresh!
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