
Tiny Triumphs 12

WOW! The weeks are really going by FAST! I wonder where all the time goes? I am having a hard time believing that next week is February. Soon, we will all be out in shorts complaining about how HOT it is. I am wondering if this is just happening to me because I am getting older?

So here we go again!

1. The litter is being scooped!

2. Our taxes are filed and the money is in our account!

3. I am getting a few things done off of my to do list.

4. We are all healthy! After a long time of the boys coughing all the time! This is HUGE! We are planning something special on Sunday to celebrate!


Tiny Triumphs 11

It is that time of the week! Here we go again!

1. The litter is STILL being scooped!

2. We have been eating meals together at the table! This is a big one for us!

3. We have spent time playing one kind of game or another almost every night!

4. Jared cleaned part of our carpet the other day!



Today Jared and I took the boys sledding. We did not stay out long because Ethan and I were going down and fell off and I landed on Ethan. He was not happy and we left shortly after. He said that he would go again but not with me. That is fine with me because I did not like landing on my own child much.After a three second ride down you must walk back up. Up above is Kellen walking up the hill
Kellen getting ready to go down again
Ethan walking back up the hill
Jared getting ready to go
Ethan between coughing fits
This was taken right before I landed on Ethan
Ethan and Jared
Ethan Wiping out


Tiny Triumphs 10

It is another week! As I sit here doing this I am wondering what happened to January? It seems that time is just flying! I can't wait for spring so we will be able to spend some time outside. Then summer is not far away. The older that I get the worse I do in the cold. I HATE it. The first snow is nice and having a White Christmas is good too. But, do we need fifteen or more inches on the ground? So without further complaining on my part on to Tiny Triumphs!

1. The boys are both home sick today. Now I know that this is not a good thing but it does give me an extra day this week with them. We are going to relax and watch movies and play some games.

2. The weather is a bit warmer! Now I know that is not something that we did. But I have to say that it makes a difference. I do not feel like we have to stay cooped up in the house.

3. Kellen is slowly working on his GATE homework. He has 9 weeks to finish the packets and has a good start. They are all logic and math questions. Which he is good at.

4. Ethan is getting better at reading everyday! He loves to read to me and I can tell that he is getting much better at it!

And an extra one for today!

5. The litter is STILL being scooped!

More Drawings

For some reason I had some troubles uploading pictures for the Guess the Picture post. It was strange! The pictures kept being deleted. I blame the computer. It would not be the operator I am sure of that! The big picture on the paper above is Ethan's dragon. Ignore my sad turtle.
Kellen drew this picture. What do you think that it is? Give up? Well it is a Sand Crawler of course. I mean how could it be anything else?

Guess The Picture!

Last night the boys and I played our version of Pictionary. We all took turns drawing pictures while the others guessed what they were drawing. The boys had a lot of fun and so did I. We had some very interesting pictures drawn. Ethan's snail. It kind of looks like Gary the snail from Spongebob Squarepants.
Ethan drawing
Ethan's flower, it even has roots
Ethan drawing
More of Ethan
What could he be drawing?
What is this? Give Up? Well, it is a Blue Footed Booby in a sweater of course!

Kellen drawing
More of Kellen drawing
Wonder what he is drawing? It is a fish
Kellen's drawing of a safari. That is a Lion and a Giraffe!


Tiny Triumphs 9

Another week down and I must say they are going very FAST! It is hard for me to believe that it is already 2010! It seems like just yesterday that Jared and I were getting married and starting to have kids. The time sure flies! Someone told me that once you have kids the time goes by super fast. I don't think that I believed them at the time. Now, I know that it is true!

This Tiny Triumphs will be a bit different from the others. I want to get my "resolutions" down so that I can look at them and remember why I did them. The ones I will type here are family ones not my personal ones.

1. Make each of my kids laugh at least once a day!

2. Make some quiet time with the kids. It could be reading a book or curling up to watch a movie or playing a game

3. Make sure each of my kids and my hubby are healthy and well taken care of. All their needs met. Could be as little as clean clothes or a hot meal.

4. Lastly, to make sure that my kids have everything that they need to grow to be great young men! Books, games, cuddle time, etc.....

I don't think that these will be hard for me to do. But I am sure that I will be looking back often to make sure that I keep these promises to myself.



Last night Anthony and Lucian spent the night with us. Justin, Jenny, and Aaron went to a hockey game. We had fun with the littler ones. Kellen playing Hyper Jump
Lucian carrying it away cause he wanted to play with it
Lucian trying his feet at Hyper Jump
More Hyper Jump
Lucian loved the light up Rubiks Cube
Checking out the lights close up
A light saber battle broke out
The Jedi
Ethan being an old man with a cane
Ethan, Kellen, and Anthony sleeping
More sleeping
Anthony the bug man
Lucian in a crown
Very nice Lucian
This poor snowman's ear muffs! This is the second time in a week that his ear muffs have been pulled out. The ear muffs make a great handle.


Happy New Year! This year it was our turn to host and we did it up right! There was friends, family, and food! The kids had fun and the adults played some games and had a blast! We all watched the ball drop and had a toast!Justin, Kellen, Anthony, and Ethan eating
We had a sundae bar! The kids got to make theirs any way they wanted it. We had cherries, whipped cream, brownies, sprinkles, strawberry sauce, chocolate sauce, caramel sauce, chocolate chips, and crushed candy canes. I put all the decorations in wine glasses and the kids had a blast making their sundae the way that they wanted it!
Making sundaes
More sundaes
Ethan not looking happy with his sundae
The adults played poker and Owie had to help Jamie
Anna toasting the New Year!
Aiden bringing in 2010!
Owie's first picture of 2010
Ethan making some noise in 2010!
This is how Kellen brought in the New Year! Eating!
Aiden helped clean up the playroom and came out wearing all the hats and other New Year stuff that I bought!