
Makin' Cookies

We made cookies this afternoon. The boys seemed to have fun and I get to eat cookies! It is a win win situation!Kellen cutting out some cookies
Ethan making cookies
The finished product

Welcome Lily!

This is our newest addition! Her name is Lily and she is seven weeks old. The boys just love her! And so do Jared and I.
Sleepy Kitty!


Pumpkin Run 2009

Today the boys classes had their Halloween parties! They also had a Pumpkin Run. There was a course that was marked with pumpkins and hay bales. They played music and had stations with jokes at them. The kids really seemed to enjoy it. They also got a pumpkin necklace for participating.Ethan's class
Ethan as Duke from G.I. Joe
Ethan is in there somewhere
Ethan crossing the finish line
Ethan with his pumpkin necklace
Kellen as Mega Tron
Kellen is in that mass of kids somewhere
Kellen crossing the finish line
Kellen and Anna (the devil) and some of their friends
Upside down Mega Tron



I made the boys some treats to take to their parties at school. I think that they turned out fantastically. They are string cheese with a green pepper "nail"

Carving Pumpkins

On Sunday night the boys carved pumpkins. I got the job of getting all the pumpkin seeds together so we could all have a treat!

Ethan carving. This is a small miracle. Ethan actually has his hands on a pumpkin and he stuck his hands in it
Ethan working on his face
Kellen working on his face

Ethan's pumpkin is on the left and Kellen's is on the right. They had such a good time that they each carved two faces one each pumpkin
The other side
The two pumpkins
The other side

The Littlest Spook

Last week Ethan's class put on a play, The Littlest Spook! I went in and helped get the kids all ready. Ethan was one of the Dads in the play. It was so cute!

Ethan's class all ready to go
Ethan must have forgotten to shave before the play. Check out his tie. Gotta love Darth Maul!
Ethan behind his house
The kids singing a song
Ethan with his "wife"


Pumpkin Patch 2009

On Sunday Jared and I took Kellen, Ethan, Aiden, and Owen to a Pumpkin Patch. We had a great time! The boys were all tired out after running around all afternoon.
Aiden, Kellen, and Owen walking to see some animals
Ethan and Kellen
Aiden and Owen
Jared the Pied Piper of kids! He is leading them through a hay maze using only right turns
The hay maze
Ethan driving FAST
Owen and Aiden
Ethan on top of the hay bales
Kellen climbing on the hay bales
Aiden on the hay
Uncle Jared helping Owen on the hay bales
Ethan going down the slide
Aiden sliding down on his tummy
Auntie April and Owen. I broke my butt on this slide. I guess I left a piece of me on that thing
Ethan climbing on the tires
Kellen on the tires
Owen got bored climbing on the tires. He was watching the other boys climb
Aiden climbing
Aiden and Kellen on the obstacle course
Owen doing the tires
Aiden climbing on the obstacle course
Ethan running on the obstacle course
Jared helping Owen climb
Aiden in the corn box
Owen in the corn box
Kellen in the corn box
Owen playing in the corn
Ethan in the corn
The boys swinging on the horse swings
Owen on the horse swing
The boys by the corn maze
In age order they were walking through the corn maze. They did this them selves.
All of us in the dead end
Ummmmm......Kellen pull up your pants
Ethan caught with his pants down
Aiden caught with his pants down
Owen went in to get his picture taken last and thought that the other boys had pulled down their pants. He went in and pulled his pants down. I have never laughed so hard
Ethan in the Hamster Wheel
Kellen in the Hamster Wheel
Aiden in the Hamster Wheel
Kellen trying to lasso
Aiden lassoing
Ethan the Cowboy
Owen on the horse
This is as close to being on a horse as I am willing to get!

We all were tired after our day! We all had a blast!