
Back To School

The start of a new school year has now gotten underway! I can't tell you how excited everyone was to finally have something new to do. We are getting back on some sort of schedule.

Kellen started school on Tuesday. His teacher is Ms. Loker! He had her last year and we were all excited that he got to have her again. This year brought another treat for Kellen. Anna our neighbor is in his class too!

Ethan started school on Wednesday! He was so excited to start! He has Mrs. Witkins, the same teacher that Kellen had for kindergarten. I took him to school today and got to stay for a bit (until he told me to go home). I got to help with a project and listen to a story too! I was a bit sad when I left. The aide, Ms. Householder, told me that she can always tell when they have the baby of the family because the parents always leave with tears in their eyes. Well, I was no exception to that rule.

Below are the pictures I took of the boys today. I put them in a video because I thought that it was a fun way to do it. Also, there are a few pictures of Ethan's shoes. They are there because he learned to tie his shoes yesterday and is very proud of himself!


A Few Cheesy Pictures!

Grandma Sandy and Bumpa got the boys some Cheese Head Hats! They have been wearing them non-stop. Below are some of the Cheesy pictures.